Category: News

NIKA FONTAINE on view at the FASHION CLINIC in Düsseldorf!!

NIKA FONTAINE is currently showing at the Fashion Clinic in Düsseldorf. The Wald bei Nacht series is a romantic expression and celebration of life. The Northern nocturne forests stand opposite to the starry sky. Both, the forest and the sky, contain an infinity of singularities that in its mass create a whole – which in […]

MARIO ASEF in ArtMargins magazine!

MARIO ASEF‘s “Diagram is a Trivial Machine” is his artist project for the latest print edition of the ARTMargins magazine. ARTMargins publishes scholarly articles and essays about contemporary art, media, architecture, and critical theory, appears Triannual by the MIT Press. “Diagram is a Trivial Machine” is an artistic project aimed to understand how diagrams are […]