wildpalms proudly represents conceptual artist Mario Asef, whose artistic works develop out of the illusory construction of social reality.
Born 1971 in Cordoba (ARG), Mario lives and works in Berlin. Studied Architecture and Urban Development in Cordoba, and Fine Art in Karlsruhe, London and did his Meisterschuler at UDK in Berlin. Cofounder of the sound art space in Berlin Errant Sounds.
cv 1971 born in Córdoba, Argentina. Lives and work in Berlin Education 1990-95 University of Architecture and Urban Development. Córdoba, Argentina. 1998-2000 Academy of Visual Art, Karlsruhe, Germany. 2003 Chelsea College of Art and Design, London. 2000-2004 University of the Art (UdK) Berlin, Master of Art. Solo Exhibitions 2018 – 19 Cenit, THE DRAWING HUB, Berlin / Wildpalms, Düsseldorf / Griffin Art Projects, Vancouver, Canada2018 Kemmuna Nation, Fragmenta Malta, Malta 2017 Acousmatic Lectures Series, Errant Sound, Berlin 2015 Objekte sind operationale Relationen im Prozess des Sprachhandelns, Manière Noire, Berlin 2015 Lotería Nacional, La Miscelanea – Unarte, Puebla, Mexico 2014 Drei Anachronismen, Wildpalms at Kühlhaus Berlin, Berlin 2013 Crossfade, Art Claims Impulse, Berlin 2012 Prosthesis 9t, Die Raum, Berlin 2012 Crossfade, Junge Kunst Wolfsburg e.V. Wolfsburg (cat.) 2009 Raumprothesen, Arttransponder, Berlin (cat.) 2007 Die Repräsentation als Wirklichkeit, Galerie Metro, Berlin 2007 Signal Wave, Les Voutes, Paris 2006 EMPIRIEN, Brotfabrik Galerie, Berlin (cat.) Selected Group Exhibitions: 2024 Shelte Bone Haunt, Berlin. 2023 Anima Mundi #3, MOSS, Poland 2023 Electric Eden 2.0: Next Chapter of Relationship, Changing Room, Berlin. 2023 The change in the patterns, wildpalms. 2022 Topiate, Frontviews, Berlin 2021 Acousmatic Appearances, The Listening Biennial, ErrantSound,Berlin 2020 FESE El lenguaje de las cosas, Puerto contemporaneo Espacio. Bogotá, Colombia 2020 Sound Nodes, Bärenzwinger, Berlin 2020 Poesie Festival Berlin, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (canceled due to COVID 19) 2019 Dystopia Festival, KASA Gallery, Istanbul 2019 Future Soundscapes, Silent Green, Berlin 2019 sonomemo – Sound and Memory, Errant Sound, Berlin 2018 Crossfades, Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu, South Korea 2017 Rebellion, Scotty, Berlin 2017 In the Sound Field, Errant Sound, Berlin 2016 Books, wildpalms, Düsseldorf, DE 2016 wildpalms, Untitled, Miami Beach, USA 2016 Sound Matters, Errant Sound Project Space, Berlin 2015 The Art of Voice – The Voice Observatory, Errant Bodies – sound art project space, Berlin 2015 Manifold Mapping, Casa Imelda, Mexico City 2014 Returning to Sender, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2014 Post-Colonial Flagship Store, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna 2014 More than a Million, GlogauAir, Berlin 2014 Stadt als Klangtext, Sound – sound art project space, Berlin 2013 Estate of the Real, Kühlhaus Berlin, Berlin 2013 PREVIEW 13- Berlin Art Fair, Berlin 2013 Instrumental, Leap Berlin, a sound-performance on a sound-installation by Andy Graydon 2012 Surf+Anarchie+Alchemie, Amtsrichterhaus Schwarzenbek, curator: Frank Barth with Peter Friedl, Carsten Höller, Gregor Schneider, Susanne Klein, a.o. 2012 Dazzling & Haunted, Art Claims Impulse – Berlin Art-Week, Berlin 2012 Reality Terror, Depo-Istanbul, Istanbul (cat.) 2012 Faraway, so close, Fichte-Bunker, Berlin (cat.) 2011 Pixel Pops 2011, Nouvel Organon, Paris 2011 Abstract, Essays and Observations, Berlin 2011 Tape Modern No. 24 NAVIGATING DARKNESS Curated by Mira O’Brien and Helen Homan Wu, Berlin 2011 Lichter Art Award, Frankfurt a. Main, curators: Saul Judd, Matthias Ulrich 2011 Emblem of Modernity, Pink Gallery, Berlin 2010 Man Son 1969, Villa Merkel, with Martin Kippenberger, Bruce Nauman, Peter Friedl, Cindy Sherman , a.o. curators: Andreas Baur, Frank Barth, Dirck Möllmann, Esslingen, Germany (cat.) 2010 10 Years at Kasa, Kasa Gallery, curators: Selim Birsel, Aslı Çetinkaya, Erdağ Aksel, Istanbul (cat.) 2010 Klondike River, Treasure Land, curator: Horst Griese, Achim Bitter, André Korpys and Markus Löffler, Bremen, Germany 2010 Weil’ auf mir, du dunkles Auge, bauer&ewald, with Jeremiah Day, Klara Hobza, Daniel Seiple, and Erik Smith 2009 Man Son 1969, Hamburger Kunsthalle, with Joseph Beuys, Max Beckman, Dan Graham, a.o. curators: Frank Barth, Dirck Möllmann, Hamburg (cat.) 2008 Architektur, Künstlerhaus Bregenz, Austria (cat.) 2007 Capital 2014, curator: Caroline Lund, Lund, Sweden (cat.) 2007 Legal Tender, KASA Gallery, Istanbul 2007 Science Fiction, Galerie Metro, Berlin 2007 have to leave my STUDIO, SSamzie Space, curator: Hyunjin Shin, Seoul, South Korea (cat.) 2007 PREVIEW 07- The Emerging Art Fair, Video lounge curated by Sabine Schuetze, Berlin 2006 Urbane Legend, SSamzie Space, curator: Soohyun Park, Seoul, South Korea (cat.) 2004 Frize Art Fair, Dosensos, Resonance FM, London 2004 Der negative Horizont, Podewil, Berlin 2003 Mobile Background, Launch Option Berlin, Büro Friedrich, Berlin 2002 Evolutionäre Zellen, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin 2002 Station, Kunstraum Bethanien, Kreuzberg, Berlin
Festivals and Screenings (selected listing) 2020 Dystopie Sound Art Festival. Berlin Brasil. 2019 Acousmatics as a Laboratory, Symposium at Kunstraum Leuphana Universität, Lüneburg 2018 How to Build an Art Biennale – Imagined Biennales, Tate Modern, London 2018 On Limits, Borders, Edges and Boundaries, Else Foundation, Mexico 2018 Tier-Bild-Ton, Errant Sound Project Space, Berlin 2017 Fieldrecording as a Personal Practice, Errant Sound Project Space, Berlin 2016 Lecturer by Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin 2016 Lecturer by El Quijote: Diseñador de su propia experiencia, IED, Madrid 2016 Lecturer by Conversas II, Berlin 2015 Acousmatic Lecture, org. Schlegel Graduate School – Freie Universität Berlin, KuLe, Berlin 2013 Vis-à-vis / Soundgate, org. by Berliner Pool, Art Claims Impulse, Berlin 2010 Port2010 / Soundgate, museum of modern art Kunsten, Aalborg, Denmark 2010 SoundLAB VII , cologne global heritage of digital culture, Cologne, Germany 2010 The Other and The Self, video stream, Voges Gallery, curated by Saul Judd, Frankfurt 2009 Transmediale 09, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2009 Arte, Salud y Sociedad, Proyecto Circo, curator: Ada Azor, La Havana, Cuba 2009 Bordet, Abandoned Gallery, curator: Anna Norberg, Malmö, Sweden 2009 The Other and The Self, video stream, Voges Gallery, Frankfurt, Germany 2009 Zeppelin 2009 – Sonidos del Poder – Centro de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona, Spain 2008 Zeppelin 2008 – Sorderas – Centro de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona, Spain 2008 Les Rencontres Internationales, Madrid, Berlin, Paris 2007 Transmediale 07, Akademie der Künste, Berlin 2006 Architektur und Film Festival – Out of Disaster – Brotfabrik, Berlin 2005 Art in the Age of New Technologies, Armenian Centre of Contemporary Experimental Art, Armenia (cat.) Awards and Scholarships 2015 Bezirkamt Pankow project funding, Berlin 2015 Initiative Neue Musik project funding, Berlin 2014 Quartier21 – Artist in Residence Program, Vienna 2014 Casa Imelda Artist in Residence, Mexico City, funded by IFA – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Germany 2012 Crossfade, project-funding Vokswagen, Wolfsburg, Germany 2009 Frankfurter Kunstverein, Deutsche Börse Residency Program, Frankfurt, Germany 2009 Raumprothesen, project-funding Arttransponder, Berlin, Germany 2007 Stiftung-Künstlerdorf, artist in residence program, Schöppingen, Germany 2007 Signal Wave, project funding Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Berlin 2006 Schinckel Progressive – SSamzie Space, artist in residence program Seoul 2006 EMPIRIEN, catalogue funding Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur, Berlin 2006 EMPIRIEN, project funding Kulturamt Pankow, Berlin 2006 Award of the Architektur und Film Festival – Out of Disaster-, Berlin 2004 Scholarship of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin Other activities: 2015 Workshop holder summer semester ’15 in Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe Since 2014 member of Errant Sound – a sound art project space in Berlin, where he is organising interdisciplinary lectures for artists and scientists 2007 Co-founder of Metro Gallery 2007 Organizer and curator of KaWe – aufsicht extended a show presenting works of guards from KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin in the break room for workers of KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin, coordially invited by Salon Familien Kartenrecht 2005/06 Workshop presenter about Sound Art in the Universität der Künste Berlin 2010/12 Workshop presenter about Contemporary Art in Vsions of Art, online teaching
PRESS AND PUBLICATIONS 2023 Akusmatik als Labor. Kultur – Kunst – Medien mit Sven
Königshausen & Neumann. 2020 Mario Asef: Kunst und Ökologie, w/k zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst. Ein Gespräch mit Peter Tepe und Till Bödeker 2019 Mario Asef: Acousmatic Lectures, w/k Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst 2018 Daegu Photo Biennale 2018 – Next Image, Daeugu, South Korea 2018 Jack Lope n1, Madrid 2016 Diagram is a Trivial Machine in Art Margins, MIT Press 2016 Aquamediale 11, festival catalogue, Spreewald, Germany 2015 Voces, Issue 2, publisher Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City 2014 PCFS, exhibition catalogue, Museumsquartier Vienna 2013 Crossfade, exhibition catalogue, Kerber Verlag -Young Art Edition, Germany 2012 Reality Terror, exhibition catalogue, Istanbul 2012 Faraway so Close, exhibition catalogue, NODE Berlin 2010 Klondike-River, exhibition catalogue, HfK Bremen 2010 10 Years at Kasa, exhibition catalogue, Istanbul 2009 Raumprothesen, catalogue, Berlin 2009 Man Son 1969, exhibition catalogue, Hamburger Kunsthalle 2008 Architektur, exhibition catalogue, Bregenz, Austria 2007 Capital 2014, exhibition catalogue, Lund, Sweden 2007 have to leave my STUDIO, studio program catalogue, Seoul, South Korea 2006 EMPIRIEN, catalogue, Berlin 2006 Urbane Legend, exhibition catalogue, Seoul – Berlin 2006 II. European Month of Photography, Berlin 2005 Art in the Age of New Technologies, exhibition catalogue, Armenia 2004 Wo liegt Berlin? exhibition catalogue, Berlin 2004 Guestroom, contemporary art magazine, London – Munich 2003 Der Film entsteht vor Ort, Labor-Sonor-audio-CD, Charhizma Berlin
news: Mario Asef and Kirstin Burckhardt in Kunstverein Göttingen.

Selection of Mario Asef’s works

Cenit Series: 2017 -2018. Drawings on paper.

Series Three Anachronisms