Paul Hance and Studio Irina Kromayer created together an astonishing glass sculpture for the street lamps at the trendiest & newest Hotel in Berlin, Château Royal. Another step in the successful & long collaboration with the hoteliers and gastronomes. Paul Hance’s elegant and full expressive glass works are made in Lambertz, a mastery glass factory […]
Author: meffert
Hortus Americanus new session with Roberto Uribe.
Join us this Friday 16th at 7:30 pm in wildpalms for a new session of Hortus Americanus. A series of talks around Latin American Art in Germany. With Roberto we will discuss about architecture, colonialism, monuments and to Latin American Artist in Germany. Hortus Americanus created by Jorge sanguino and Alexandra Meffert. Supported by NRW […]
Jorge Sanguino’s on his curatorial work with Karen P Biswell @artishock revista de arte Contemporaneo
El arte latinoamericano contemporáneo tiene dos grandes retos que afrontar. El primero es evitar que prácticas artísticas que implican una negociación con la alteridad sean atrapadas por la retórica de inclusión y diversidad liberal propias de los discursos de globalización postmodernos. Existe el riesgo de que el trabajo artístico con comunidades indígenas, afro, o minoritarias […]
holy mountain: Kima @wildpalms review by Marina Sammeck in Rhineart
Kunst kennt keine Grenzen – ja, so sollte es eigentlich sein, obwohl dieser Satz bereits etwas abgenutzt klingt. Denn obwohl Postkolonialismus, Feminismus und andere Bewegungen sich seit ein paar Jahren zunehmend in der Kunstwelt durchsetzen, sind Beispiele einer wirklich grenzüberschreitenden Kunst immer noch selten…wildpalms (read more)
Hortus Americanus with a filmmaker
We have invited the Brazilian artist Barbara Marcel for our series of talks on Latin American Art in Germany. Today’s conversation will be about the Amazons, its complexity and the environmental challenges facing the future. Barbara will screen Ciné-Cipó / Cine Liana at ATTO Tower (2020). Join us for the conversation today 01.07.2022 at 8:00 […]
wildpalms wins the Strike A Pose Award
The installation with Société Angelique and Karen Paulina Biswell won the Strike a Pose Award 2022. Inspired by the series “Ellas” by french colombian photographer, Angelica Kammann created light, transparent unique pieces. An homage to womanhood and nature more infos:
Hortus Americanus: the second event
Mexican composer Jose Elguezabal supports the second conversation in our series of talks. In the “Sunshine Talk” he will share his thoughts on the perception of German composer Richard Wagner in Latin America. Furthermore, you’ll have a chance to see his performance live. Join us for the second conversation about Latinamerican Art in Germany today […]
wildpalms invites to Hortus Americanus
A new generation of Latinamerican & Caribbean artists are working, creating and thinking from the heart of Europe. They become the voice for many others. Indigenous communities, preservationists, local communities who are facing the climate change and the shifting of the new geopolitics. Join us for the conversations about Latinamerican Art in Germany. The series […]
Lauriston Avery at NADA
New York based artist Lauriston Avery is presented by the Dutton Gallery at NADA New York. His artworks Alien Robot Ghost, 2021 and Outer One #5, 2022 can be found in booth 6.07 from May 5-8 at Pier 36 on the Lower East Side.
Lauriston Avery @ MEPAINTSME
New York based artist Lauriston Avery is currently part of The Rouges Gallery. The group exhibition features artwork by 36 international artists. A wonderfully curated group show can be accessed online via