Mauricio Limon performance. Invitation to the Festival

Mauricio Limon Performance

Mauricio Limon performance is part of performance festival ROOMS, in Rotterdam.

Created by Marres, VIA ZUID, de Brakke Grond, Dansateliers en FASHIONCLASH

Young makers and established talents offer performance, theater, visual arts, dance, fashion and music. A weekend during which fragile dresses bring colorful stained glass to life, where conductor’s bodies turn into living scores, manuscripts get dictated and a shoe merchant brings you along into absurdist power relations

Line up:
Merette van Hijfte & Pleuni Veen
Kinga Jaczewska
Mauricio Limon
David Maroto
Genevieve Murphy
Ika Schwander in collaboration with Fran Hayes

27 & 28 January 2024
01 – 06 PM
Location: Marres, Maastricht