STRIKE: curated by Jorge Sanguino & Alex Meffert
Patricia Dominguez (Chile)
Elektra KB (Ukraine/Colombia)
Rachel Libeskind (DE/USA/IT)
Strike. Strike. Strike | Streik. Streik. Streik
Nature is striking. There is no rain falling from the skies, or if it rains, it is falling to flood entire cities. People are striking.
Nature is protesting. So are people.
European summer of discontent. In some parts of the world discontent is larger than a summer. But for some it is about decades of discontent.
Discontent produces materials: Images. History is a construction of images settled down in a new narrative. The endeavour is to confront images with(in) a new physical material (latex, silicone, fiberglass netting, different type of PVC, ripstock, felt, cotton) and stripped down from content until the nakedness of the stretch bar to pose a question. What is the value of the “grid” nowdays? And the singular male artistic canon?
Images confront to produce legitimate claims: ¿dónde están? Where are they? (The missing after police violence). Justice claims while recapturing the handmade long work around textile.
Opening Sep. 2nd 2022 / Officially part of DC Open
“Best of DC Open” in
Rachel Libeskind’s show at Sign and Symbols review at collector daily and musée vanguard for photography

Patricia Dominguez is is an artist, educator and earth defender based in Puchuncaví, Chile. She is the founder of Studio Vegetalista, an experimental platform for ethnobotanical research based in Chile.Bringing together experimental research on ethnobotany, healing practices and the corporatization of wellbeing, her practice focuses on challenging the increasingly globalized corporate cosmologies that are emerging, by tracing the precarious relationships between species that are contextualized the current digitization of the living. Her installations take the form sculptures, videos and publications which are designed to exorcise the effects of late capitalism and ecological destruction in the physical and social body, while exploring the emancipatory potential of artistic imagination as a form of psychic emancipation and as a path of healing our colonial trauma.
CV EDUCATION Santiago Chile, 1984 Lives and works in Puchuncaví, Chile. Directora de Studio Vegetalista. EDUCATION 2016-2022 Energy Reading, Frecuencia Licán CL 2013 MFA in Combined Media, Hunter College, New York US 2011 Botanical and Natural Science illustration Certificate, New York Botanical Garden, New York US 2007 BFA, Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago CL. SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2022 SCREEN SERIES, curated by Madeline Weisburg, New Museum NY 2021 GREEN IRISES, curated by Lucia Aspeci, WAMx, Finland 2020 MADRE DRONE, curated by Rafa Barber, CentroCentro, Madrid SP 2020 COSMIC TEARS, curated by Owen Duffy, Yeh Art Gallery, New York US 2019 GREEN IRISES, curated by Sabel Gavaldon, Gasworks, London UK 2018 LLANTO CÓSMICO, curated by Violeta Janeiro, Twin Gallery, Madrid SP 2017 SONÉ@CERAMICAS, Sala CCU, Santiago CL 2016 LOS OJOS SERÁN LO ÚLTIMO EN PIXELARSE, Galería Patricia Ready, Santiago CL 2016 ERES UN PRINCESO, Pizzuti Museum, Ohio US 2016 SOLO PROJECT: Focus Latinoamérica, ARCO Madrid SP BIENNIALS 2022 SCREEN CITY BIENNIAL, Oslo, (Upcoming) 2022 MATTER OF ART, Prague Biennale, Prague CR (Upcoming) 2022 CORNELL BIENNIAL, US (Upcoming) 2022 15 BIENAL DE ARTES MEDIALES, CL 2021 GWANGJU BIENNALE, curated by Defne Ayas and Natasha Ginwala, Gwangju SK 2021 DRAWING ROOM, London EN 2019 MOMENTA BIENNIAL, curated by Maria Willis, Montreal CA 2019 FOTONOVIEMBRE, curated by Mette Kjaergaard, Tenerife, SP 2016 BIENAL DE LA IMAGEN EN MOVIMIENTO BIM, Buenos Aires AR 2015 AIM BIENNIAL, curated by Lia Zaaloff, Bronx Museum, New York US 2015 12va BIENAL DE NUEVOS MEDIOS, Concurso Juan Downey, Museo Bellas Artes, Santiago CL 2014 BIENAL DE LA IMAGEN EN MOVIMIENTO BIM, Buenos Aires AR 2013 LA BIENAL: FROM HERE WE JUMP, curated by Rocío Alvarado y Raúl Zamudio, Museo del Barrio, New York US SPECIAL PROJECTS 2022 SALTS How to be Organic, curated by Mónica Bello, SC 2021 Broken Archive series, HKW, DE 2021 Backroom, curated by Jaime Ruiz, Museo Tamayo MX 2021 New Mystics, curated by Alice Bucknell 2021 Life Futures, curated by Carolina Rito, Warwick University, EN 2021 Archivo Invisible, Felipa Manuela, SP 2020 st_age, TBA 21, curated by Soledad Gutierrez, Madrid SP 2020 Participation in Documents of Contemporary Arts, edited by Bárbara Rodriguex, Issue Health, MIT and Whitechapel press 2020 Futuridades/ Mundeidades, curated by Sara Garzón,Colección Cisneros, US 2020 INFRASONICA, Curated by Pablo José Ramirez 2020 Contribution to NMENOS1, curated by Juan Covelli, Bogotá, CB SELECTED GROUP SHOWS 2022 ROOTED BEINGS, Wellcome Collection, London UK 2022 DO NOTHING, FEEL EVERYTHING, Kunsthalle Wien DE and Kunsthalle Bratislava 2022 LANDSCAPES OF LABOUR, KAU 19, Dusseldorf 2022 MANUALES DE REPARACIONES Y SONIDOS CÓSMICOS, Macba Barcelona, SP 2021 UN ENCUENTRO VEGETAL, curated by Bárbara Rodríguez, Casa Encendida, Madrid SP 2021 TRANSMEDIALE, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, Curated by Lorena Juan, Berlin DE 2021 EMAF European Media Arts Festival DE 2021 GETTING WET, Kunsthalle Wien DE 2021 PRECOG, Nars, Brooklyn, NY 2021 FLOATING I, In plano, Paris FR 2021 UNDER THE WAQWAQ TREE, Slash Art, San Francisco US 2021 GEOGRAFÍAS DESCONOCIDAS, Centro Cultural España, Santiago CL 2021 SEVERING THE IMPACT OF MEMORY, Curated by Victoria Carrasco, PHI Foundation, Montreal, CA 2021 HEALING A BROKEN WORK, IDB Summit, US 2021 SUBVERSIVE WOMEN IN NEW MEDIA, Generation Equality Forum UN Women, MX and France 2021 DHARAMSHALA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL, NP 2020 HOW TO TREAD LIGHTLY, Curated by Soledad Gutiérrez, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid SP 2020 37th KASSEL DOCUMENTARY AND VIDEO FESTIVAL, KASSEL 2020 LOOP, Watery Witnesses and Daniela Zyman, Curated by Soledad Gutiérrez, Barcelona, SP 2020 EYES OF PLANTS, Svilova, Sweden 2020 VECTOR Festival, Toronto, CN 2020 INSTITUTO TELE ARTE, Galería Metropolitana, Santiago CL 2020 CONTAGIO, Cecilia Brunson Gallery, London UK 2019 THE TROUBLE IS STAYING, Curated by Ines Geraldes, Meet Factory, Prague CZ 2019 WHOSE VESTIGES SUBSISTS, Curated by Alva Mooses and Florencia Escudero, The Clemente, New York US 2018 EL FUTURO NO ES LO QUE VA A PASAR, SINO LO QUE VAMOS A HACER, curated by Chus Martínez, Rosa Lleó y Elise Lammer, ARCO, Madrid SP 2018 WORKING FOR THE FUTURE PAST, Curated by Jin Kwon, Seoul Museum of Arts SeMA, Seoul SK 2018 WHO CARES, A RADIO TALE, RCA Curatorial Project, Gasworks Project Space, London UK 2018 BY INDIRECTIONS FIND DIRECTIONS OUT, Curated by Paula Zambrano, Gallery Yamakiwa Gallery, Japan 2018 HABITAR, curated by One Moment Art, Santiago CL 2017 HASTA QUE LAS COSAS Y LOS CUERPOS SEAN COMO QUERAMOS QUE SEAN, Curated by Quiela Nuc, Centro CA2M, Madrid SL 2017 POST 90, Museo Arte Contemporáneo MAC, Santiago CL 2017 8.000 AÑOS DESPUES curated by Pablo José Ramírez, Galería Liberia, Bogotá CO 2017 COLECCION FINLANDIA, Museo MAVI, Santiago CL 2017 LOS CIMIENTOS, LOS PILARES Y EL FIRMAMENTO, curada por Angels Miranda, Museo MAC, Santiago CL 2017 FIT FRAME TO CONTENT, Urlaub Projects, Berlín DE 2017 LO QUE HA DEJADO HUELLAS: COLECCIÓN GALERÍA GABRIELA MISTRAL, Centro Nacional de arte contemporáneo Cerrillos, Santiago CL 2017 HERE, THERE, AND THE IN-BETWEEN, curated by Chloe Courtney and Lara Goldman, Albuquerque US 2017 CANTOS DE TARAPACÁ, curated by Rodolfo Andaur, CCE, Santiago CL 2017 VER, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá CO 2017 LÍNEAS DE DESTINO, Balmaceda Arte Joven, Santiago CL 2017 THE WHITNEY HOUSTON BIENNIAL, curated by Christine Finley, New York IS 2016 APOCALYPSE ME, Emil Filla Gallery, curated by Jan Zalesak, Usti nad Labem CZ 2016 Magical (un)real: Entraced Land Momenta Art, Brooklyn US 2016 REMEMBER WHEN WE WERE OBJECTS, curated by Owen Duffy, Mulberry Gallery, Richmond US 2016 TRÁFICOS Y OTROS POEMAS DE SHILE, curated by Rodolfo Andaur, Nube Gallery, Santa Cruz BO 2016 NACIONALISMOS Y DESTERRITORIALIDADES, Itinerancia Colección Galería Gabriel Mistral en Chillán, Concepción y Puerto Montt, CL 2015 NUEVAS ADQUISICIONES, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago CL 2015 NOSOTRAS, DE LAS SIN RAZÓN VERTIDAS, Museo MAVI, Santiago CL 2015 MEDIA ART PRIZE MONOGRAPHIC SHOW, Fundación Telefónica, Venezuela VE 2015 DETENER CONTINUAR, Centro Matadero, Madrid SP 2015 THE SUBLIME OF THE MUNDANE, Fivemyles Gallery, Brooklyn US 2015 #DEPRESIONESINTERMEDIAS, Parque Cultural Valparaíso, Valparaíso CL 2015 XIV FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE LA IMAGEN, Manizales CO 2015 GANADORAS CHACO FINLANDIA, Casa Mutt, Santiago CL 2014 DE NATURALEZA VIOLENTA curated by José Roca, Centro Cultural España, Santiago CL 2014 YAP MoMA PS1 + Constructo, curated by Mario Navarro, Santiago CL 2014 DIEZ, Curated by Claire Breukel, Marte Museum, El Salvador SV 2014 ABECEDARIO DE MANOS Y GARRAS PARA UN CANTO A LA DISTANCIA collaboration with Guadalupe Maravilla, R.A.T., Ciudad de México MX 2014 HOW TO EXPLAIN PICTURES TO A DEAD HARE curated by Raúl Zamudio, Monterrey MX 2014 THE WHITNEY HOUSTON BIENNIAL, curated by Christine Finley, Dumbo, New York US 2014 SUB 30, curated by Coco González Lohse, MAC Quinta Normal, Santiago CL 2014 FUERO INTERNO FUERO EXTERNO, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago CL 2013 DE NATURALEZA VIOLENTA, curated by José Roca, FLORA, Bogotá CO 2013 HISTORIAS DEL OBJETO, curated by José Roca, Galería Gabriela Mistral, Santiago CL 2013 HUNTER MFA THESIS SHOW, Hunter College, New York US 2013 TRANSMEDIATION CAA, Media Lounge, curated by Micol Hebron, New York US 2013 TEMPORAL VIDEO ART Chilean Consulate, New York US 2013 TRISKAIPHOBIA, Parade Ground Gallery, New York US 2013 SMALL SHRINES curated by Natalie Grandinetti and Staci Offutt,Sweetwater Center for the Arts, US 2012 8va ISLAND collaboration with Anne Montt, Partapur, India IN 2012 ROCK GARDEN collaboration with Macarena Molina, Museo de Historia Natural, Santiago CL 2011 VOLUPTUOUS PANIC The Watermill Center, New York US 2011 LA CARTE D’APRES NATURE 2 Center for Contemporary Art CC300, New York US 2011 DIGITAL MEDIA COLLECTIVE Hunter College, New York US PERFORMANCES 2014 ABECEDARIO DE MANOS Y GARRAS PARA UN CANTO A LA DISTANCIA collaboration with Guadalupe Maravilla, R.A.T., Ciudad de México MX AWARDS + HONOURS 2021 SIMETRÍA, CERN + Corporación Chilena de Video SR 2017 BECA AMA – GASWORKS, Santiago CL 2015 2nd PRIZE, Beca CCU, Santiago CL 2015 CENTRO MATADERO PRIZE, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes CNCA, SP 2015 1st Honorable Mention, Concurso Entre Chaco y Finlandia, CL 2014 MEDIA ART PRIZE, Fundación Telefónica, Venezuela, VZ 2014 3r PRIZE NORBERTO GRIFFA, Bienal Imagen en Movimiento BIM, Buenos Aires AR 2013 FONDART GRANT for FLORA RESIDENCY, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes CNCA 2012 WILLIAM GRAF TRAVEL GRANT, Hunter College, New York US 2010 CONICYT GRANT for Postgraduate MFA studies in Hunter College, New York US 2010 FONDART GRANT for studying at the New York Botanical Garden, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes 2009 YOUNGER THAN JESUS ARTIST DIRECTORY Publication by New Museum and PHAIDON Press RESIDENCIES 2022 SIMETRINA, ALMA OBSERVATORY (upcoming) 2022 MANAGING NEW DISPLACEMENTS FROM GEOGRAPHY, Tarapacá CL (upcoming) 2022 DELFINA FOUNDATION + WELLCOME COLLECTION, London UK 2021 SIMETRÍA, CERN (Organización Europea para la investigación nuclear, Suiza) 2019 INTERCONECCIONES DESDE PUNTA DELGADA, Magallanes CL 2019 KIOSKO, Santa Cruz BO 2018 CAMPO ADENTRO INLAND, Madrid SP 2018 MANAGING NEW DISPLACEMENTS FROM GEOGRAPHY, Tarapacá CL 2017 GASWORKS, London UK 2017 MEET FACTORY, Prague CZ 2015 CENTRO MATADERO, Madrid SP 2015 CENTRO CULTURAL ESPAÑA, Santiago CL 2014 CANCHA, Santiago CL 2014 RESIDENCIA ARTÍSTICA POR INTERCAMBIO RAT, DF México MX 2014 AIM PROGRAM Bronx Museum, New York US 2013 FLORA ARS + NATURA, Bogotá CO 2012 THE INSTITUTE OF CRITICAL ZOOLOGISTS, Singapore SG 2012 SANDARBH ARTISTS, Partapur India IN 2011 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, Visiting Artist Program, New York US 2011 THE WATERMILL CENTER, International Residency Program, New York US
PRESS, TALKS & PUBLICATIONS SELECTED PRESS AND REVIEWS 2022 Interview Unearthing Plant Knowledge, CLOT Magazine, Berlin 2022 Book Parched Narratives: Rethinking Lament and Ruins in Chile’s Central Valley”, Ahmerst University Press 2021 Book Technics Improvised: Activating Touch in Global Media Art. Tim Murray, University of Minnesota Press 2021 Book Contemporary Art and Climate Change, Thames & Hudson’s World of Art series 2021 Book Mujeres en las artes visuales en Chile, CNCA CL 2021 Book Soy el agua, soy la vida. Conversaciones con artistas por la defensa de las aguas en Abya Yala, María José Barros, CL 2021 Interview Proyecto Sin Nombre, El Gocerío, CL 2020 HEALTH, Documents of Contemporary Arts DoCA, MIT and Whitechapel press 2020 Espíritu Terrestre, Reino Digital, conversación con Elisa Balmaceda, Rotunda Magazine, CL 2019 Interview by Carolina Jiménez, Revista Utopía, México and Madrid 2019 Interview by Antonia Taulis, Revista Artishock, Santiago CL 2018 Book What is going to happen is not the future, but what we are going to do, Chus Martínez, Rosa Lleó y Elise Lammer, Nero Publishers, Madrid SP 2018 Article Es la bola de cristal, El País, Madrid SP 2018 Article El futuro ya está aquí, Juan Canela, Revista Made in Madrid, Madrid SP 2018 Article Arco, el futuro fue ayer, El Cultural, Madrid SP 2018 Article El futuro ya está aquí, RTVE, Madrid SP 2018 Interview La Tierra Solloza, by Irene Calvo, Time Out, Madrid SP 2017 Interview to Patricia Domínguez, Neo2 Magazine, by Mit Borras, Madrid SP 2017 Interview La Cosmovisión Generadora, Soledad García Huidobro, Revista MasDeco, Santiago CL 2016 Book Apocalypse Me, Jan Zalesak, Czech Republic CZ 2016 Article Arco names Argentina as next year guest country, The Art Newspaper, London UK 2016 Review Arco Madrid 2016, Rosa Lleó, Revista Terremoto, México MX 2016 Article El Caballo, representante de una era, Revista La Panera, Elisa Cárdenas, Santiago CL 2016 Article Sanación en tiempos digitales, Carolina Castro, Revista Artishock CL 2016 The Unturned, London UK 2015 Interview La Premiada Artista Patricia Domínguez, Daniela Silva, Diario El Mercurio CL 2015 Interview Zoología cultural de Patricia Domínguez, Francisca Gabler, Diario La Tercera CL 2015 Article Artistas Jóvenes que destacan en la escena nacional, Cecilia Valdés, Diario El Mercurio CL 2014 Article La Escena se Renueva: Una mirada a los artistas chilenos que sorprenden, Diario El Mercurio CL 2014 Article Chilena Patricia Domínguez obtiene premio de la Bienal del Movimiento, Revista Artishock CL 2014 Article De naturaleza violenta, José Roca, Revista Artishock CL 2014 Book Sub 30 Pintura Chilena, Santiago Chile CL 2014 Review Palo Cháán: Abecedario de Manos y Garras, Revista Artishock, CL 2013 Article New Latin American Talents emerge in New York, Diario El Mercurio, CL 2013 Essay CULTUREHALL Spring Issue, a juried selection of artworks and essay by David Andrew Frey, New York US 2013 Review Tres Propuestas Irritadas, Diario El Mercurio, Waldemar Sommer, CL 2013 Article Autonomía: la Bienal de Artes Mediales y su enfoque artístico cultural y educacional, Revista Artishock CL 2013 Review Patricia Domínguez y Rodrigo Lobos MFA Thesis Show, Revista Artishock CL 2013 Q+A Rocío Alvarado, Raul Zamudio and Patricia Domínguez, Museo El Barrio, New York US 2009 Book Younger than Jesus Artist Directory – New Museum of Contemporary art + PHAIDON press, New York US PERSONAL PUBLICATIONS 2022 MATRIX VEGETAL, (Upcoming) 2020 GAIAGUARDIANXS, TBA21, Madrid SP 2019 TECHNOLOGIES OF ENCHANTMENT, edited by Gasworks London, 1500 copies, London EN 2019 SHAPESHIFTERS LINES, Revista Erizo, México MX 2018 EYES OF PLANTS ( in collaboration with Marco Godoy), edited by Taste, Tongue and Appetite, Two Forty Publishers, New York US 2017 IDREAMT@CERAMICS, edited by Jan Zalesak, Artalk Revue, Prague CZ 2017 SONE@CERAMICAS.CL, Artist book, Sala CCU, Santiago CL 2017 THE MUSEUM OF THE SEAGULLS, Issues : Failure, CA 2016 THE EYES WILL BE THE LAST TO PIXELATE, Artist book, Galería Patricia Ready, CL 2015 ARTIST CITIES Colección Cisneros, Miami – Venezuela VZ TALKS + WORKSHOPS 2010-2021 Educator at Studio Vegetalista CL 2022 Educator at Frecuencia Lican 2022 Educator at La Escuela, Miguel Braselli, NY 2022 Transmediale Symposium, GE 2022 Matrix Vegetal Workshop, Nottingham Contemporary, EN 2022 Matrix Vegetal Workshop, The Mosaic Room, EN 2021 Podcast BALTIC + Wellcome Collection, For All I Care, London UK 2021 Podcast TRANSMEDIALE, with Eli Cortiñas and Lorena Juan, Berlín 2021 Podcast PHI Foundation, with Victoria Carrasco, Lynn Sachs and Jean Jacques Martinod, Canada 2021 Educator BISAGRA, Perú 2021 Tutor MFA University of the Arts Utrecht (HKU) 2021 Educator LAS ALIANZAS ESQUIZO CHAMÁNICAS, Universidad Autónoma Indígena Intercultural + Paris8 2021 Educator MATRIX VEGETAL, Workshop, La Casa Encendida, SP 2021 Educator At Universidad Católica de Chile, Certificado Ilustración Botánica, CL 2021 TV Program, OYE, VAMOS EL TALLER, TVN y Nube, CL 2021 ARTIST TALK, Latin American Media Art. History and Praxis, CIFO + Ars Electronica, 2021 ARTIST TALK at FIBER, New Mystics, UK 2021 ARTIST TALK at Gasworks, UK 2021 ARTIST TALK SLAS, UK 2021 ARTIST TALK, Fine Art Academy in Milan NABA, Milan 2021 ARTIST TALK, Universidad del Bosque, CO 2021 ARTIST TALK, Universidad Catolica, CL 2021 ARTIST TALK, Taller de Arqueología de Gloria Cabello, UC 2020 Backst_age, a live conversation with artists Joan Jonas and Patricia Domínguez hosted by, Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza, TBA21 , SP 2020 ARTIST TALK, Worldmaking Practices, a Take on the Future, Colección Cisneros and Delfina Foundation, London EN 2020 Educator TALLER DE ILUSTRACIÓN BOTÁNICA DECOLONIAL, Centro de Arte Digital Juan Downey, Santiago CL 2020 ARTIST TALK, ARTBO, Sensoria, CO 2020 ARTIST TALK, MAVI Museum, CL 2020 ARTIST TALK, Ecoscience CL 2020 ARTIST TALK, Escuela de Arte UC CL 2020 ARTIST TALK, Universidad Andrés Bello CL 2020 ARTIST TALK, YEH Art Gallery NY 2020 ARTIST TALK, Kiosko, Bolivia BL 2020 CONTINGENCIA Y MEDIO AMBIENTE junto a Rodrigo Mundaca, GAM, Santiago, CL 2019 WORKSHOP Qué es ser Diaguita? Centro Cultural España, Santiago CL 2019 BOTÁNICA DECOLONIAL, Valparaíso CL 2019 MUSEUM OF THE SEAGULLS, Gasworks, London 2019 ARTIST TALK, Kiosko, BO 2019 WORKSHOP La Abuela de Reinaldo Arenas, experimental ethnobotany, Kiosko, BO 2018 ARTIST TALK, Twin Gallery, Madrid SP 2018 WORKSHOP, Campo Adentro, Inland, Madrid SP 2018 WORKSHOP, Museo de Historia Natural Río Seco, Punta Arenas CL 2017 ARTIST TALK, Gasworks, London UK 2017 ARTIST TALK with Regina de Miguel, Centro CA2M, Madrid SP 2017 ARTIST TALK, El Validadero, Bogotá CO 2016 ARTIST TALK, Pizzuti Museum, Columbus Ohio US 2016 ARTIST TALK with Guadalupe Maravilla, Tranzitdisplay, Prague CR 2015 ARTIST TALK, La Sebastiana, Valparaíso CL 2014 ES.KA.KE DE BARRIO, Parque Giordano Bruno, DF México MX 2013 ARTIST TALK with Dominica Kasel, STORYLINE Museo del Barrio – La Bienal, New York US 2013 CULTURAL BOTANY, Artist Talk Museo del Barrio – La Bienal, New York US 2013 MUSEO LAS GAVIOTAS Performative Lecture, Flux Factory, New York US 2013 MUSEO LAS GAVIOTAS Performative Lecture, Hunter College, New York US 2012 TALK / WORKSHOP, The Institute of Critical Zoologists, Singapore SG 2011 BOTANICAL WORKSHOP, The Watermill Center, New York US 2009 ARTIST TALK, Instituto Chileno – Norteamericano, Santiago CL
Rachel Libeskind is a multidisciplinary artist whose research-based practice examines the construction of history and the enduring power of images. Working across collage, installation, video and performance, Libeskind appropriates and recontextualizes images in order to disrupt imposed boundaries — between the personal and public, ancient and contemporary, societal and cultural — and reveal unexpected parallels. She holds a B.A. with honors from Harvard University. Born in Milan and raised in Berlin, Libeskind is now based between New York and Germany.
Elektra KB is a Latinx immigrant artist, living and working in Brooklyn, NY. They grew up in a rural hospital in Colombia with an army of nurses, doctors, and cooks –as a result of a cold war era Soviet-Colombian union.
Their work engages corporeal sickness and disability, with utopian possibilities and alternative universes. KB investigates gender, migration, transculturality, and abuse of power. Their work entangles mutual aid, political action, and communication, often with a documentarian-sci-fi-like hybrid approach, exploring utopia and dystopia in juxtaposition with a parallel universe. They work across: textiles, photography, video, installation, and performance. Building spaces engaging with concepts such as: learning or healing, through the reinterpretation of quotidian objects and symbols, such as the: Immigration Checkpoint, Freedom School or Hospital Room.
CV EDUCATION Universität der Künste Berlin Fellowship (prof. Hito Steyerl), Berlin, Germany
2012 Bachelor of Fine Arts, SVA – School of Visual Arts, Visual and Critical Studies with Honors. New York, NY 2018-2086. Act. 34’, New Museum of Contemporary Art, Warsaw Poland
2022 ‘Agentes Reproductivos’, Madre Contemporary Art Museum, Naples, Italy
2021‘Who Will Write The History of Tears, Artists on Women’s rights’, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw, Poland
‘Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art 50 years after Stonewall’, Center for Creativity and the Arts, Fresno State, California
‘Living in America’ Curated by Assembly Room, International Print Center, New York, NY
2019 ‘Nobody Promised You Tomorrow: Art 50 years after Stonewall’, Brooklyn Museum, New York, NY
2015 ‘Castle’, Yinchuan Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), China SOLO EXHIBITIONS (two person show) Local Project, LIC, New York, NY 2016 C12 Emerging Artist Award, Special Recognition, New York, NY
2014 – 2015 DAAD fellowship, Berlin, Germany
Hunter College fellowship, New York, NY
2012 SVA Alumni Society Award, New York, NY
2008 – 2012 Chairman’s Merit Award, School Of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Visual and Critical Studies Merit Award, School Of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2016 Master of Fine Arts, Hunter College, New York, NY
2014 – 2015
2023 ‘Our Many Europes. EU GA
2022 Francis Colburn Gallery, Vermont ‘Unperceivable by Biotypical’, Nmenos1, Online
2021 ‘The Politics of Healing: Destroying Silence’, Spring/Break art show, New York, NY
2019 ‘Territorio Autonomo Cathara y Ciudadan a Global’, Timebag Nutibara, Medellin, Colombia
2018 ‘Power is Abuse’, Spring/Break Art Show, New York, NY
‘Antisistémicas: Practicas Art sticas desde Otras Fronteras’, Artecamara, Artbo, Bogotá, Colombia
2017 ‘Bodies of Water: Body as a Prison/Prison as a Body’, SVA Flatiron Gallery, New York, NY
2016 ‘The Accidental Pursuit of the Stateless II’, Gaia Gallery, Istanbul* Turkey
2015 ‘The Accidental Pursuit of the Stateless’, BravinLee Programs, New York, NY
2013 ‘There are Women at the Gates Seeking a New World’, BravinLee Programs (Project room), New York, NY
‘The Cathara Insurgent Women Vs The Theocratic Republic of Gaia’, Be- ings, (Project room), Sargen t’s Daughters, New York, NY
2022 ‘Material Nation’, Urania, Berlin, Germany
’Strike’, wildpalms, Düsseldorf
2021 Queer Arts Festival, Vancouver, Canada
2020 ‘When The Body Becomes Manifesto’, Boan 1942 Artspace, Seoul, Korea
‘’, Queer Arts Festival, Vancouver, Canada
‘Now WTF’, Silicon Valet, U.S. Virtual
‘Currents: An Overwhelming Response’, Curated by Carmen Hermo, A.I.R Gallery, New York, NY
‘Abortion is Normal’ part I, Eva Presenhuber, New York, NY
‘Abortion is Normal’ part II, Arsenal Contemporary, New York, NY
2018 ‘Wicked’, Queer Arts Festival, Vancouver, Canada
2017 ‘Radical Women Remix’, a selection of video art by Latinx women from 1960-2018, organized by Brooklyn Museum, curated by Carmen Hermo, at New LatinWave, New York, NY
‘Un Regard Sur Le Monde Elektra KB, Gilbert & George, Guerilla Girls et Swoon’, Fondation Art Contemporain Salomon, Annecy, France
‘Screen Present Tense’, Croatian Association of Artists Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
‘The Water Mirror’, SPRING/BREAK art show, New York, NY
‘Alchemy of the Image’, Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, Istanbul, Turkey
2016 ‘Faketopia’, TAV Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
‘Geographically Indeterminate Fantasies: The Animated GIF as Place’, TAV Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
‘Now We Take Manhattan’, Ethan Cohen Fine Arts, New York, NY Contemporary Istanbul, Gaia Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2015 ‘Stories from the End’, UP Gallery, Berlin
’Special Hypocrite’, SPRING/BREAK Art Show, New York, NY Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Moving Image, Istanbul, Turkey
2014 ‘Contemporary Istanbul’, Gaia Gallery booth, Istanbul, Turkey
‘New Frontiers in Contemporary Photography’, Galleri Tryffelgrisen, Stockholm,Sweden
Art Vilnius contemporary art fair, Galleri Tryffelgrisen, Vilnius, Lithuania
2013 Untitled Art Fair, BravinLee Programs Booth, Miami, FL
All The Best People’, 1 to 1 Gallery, New York, NY
‘Changing The World Through Art’, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, NY
2012 Volta art fair, Company booth, New York
‘It’s All In Your Head’, SVA West side Gallery, New York
2011 Odeon Contemporary Art Fair, El Garaje Gallery booth, Bogotá, Colombia ‘Action! Weekend’, Northwest Film Forum, Seattle, WA
‘Social Realms’, SVA Gallery, New York, NY
Dazed & Confused: Dazed Live Declare Independence! Video art festival’, London, U.K
2010 ‘Social’, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York
Armory Arts Week 2010,
2021 Cíborg Commune, Who Will Write The History of Tears, Museum of Modern Art Warsaw, Poland
2020 ‘Cyborg’ at ‘Elektra KB Presents Ghost in the Shell’, Queer Art Film, Inter- national Film Center, New York, NY
(Project room), Allegra LaViola Gallery/Sargent’s Daughters, New York, NY
2018 ‘Power is Abuse’, SPRING/BREAK Art Show, New York, NY
2017 ‘The Water Mirror’, SPRING/BREAK Art Show, New York, NY
2018 ‘Queer Configurations for a New Family’, Queens Museum, NY
2013 The Cathara Insurgent Women Vs The Theocratic Republic of Gaia Beings’,
2021 ‘Visiting artist, ‘Art after the Computer Age: Race, Sex and Technology’ New School, New York, NY
2020 ‘Fine Arts Visiting Artist Lecture Series’, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
‘Living in America’, International Print Center, New York, NY
Queer Arts Festival guest artists panel, Vancouver, Canada
‘Survey Session of Access Check 2.0: Mapping Accessibility’, Rubin Foundation, New York, NY
2019 Elektra KB Presents Ghost in the Shell’, Queer Art Film, International Film Center, NewnYork, NY
‘Radical Women Remix’ a selection of video art by Latinx women from 1960-2018,organized by Brooklyn Museum at New Latin Wave
2018 School of Visual Arts ‘Alumni Scholarship Awards’, Juror, New York, NY
2017 ‘Queer Utopias’, New York University, New York, NY
2016 ‘What We Talk About When We Talk About GIFs: Visual Culture and Social Media’ NYU Center for the New York, NY
2020 Disability Futures’, Semi-finalist, United States Artists, Ford Foundation, New York, NY
PRESS & PUBLICATIONS SELECTED PRESS 2021 Artishock. “Who Will Write the History of Tears. Artists on Women’s Rights.” Artishock Revista, 19 Dec. 2021 Rios Doreen, “Semana 265_1 Políticas Curativas: Imperceptible por Biotípico.”. Antimateria Revista, March 23, 2021 Ilda Park Joo-yeon ‘When the body was declared’,, October 25th,2021 Kyunghyang Shinmun, ‘When the body becomes manifesto review’, October 25th, 2021 2020 Artsy Editors, Simmons Laurie, ‘The Women Artists Who Deserve our Attention’ Crawford Marissa, ’50 Artists Remind Us “That Abortion is Normal”’, Hyperallergic, January 24th, 2020 Feinstein Laura, ‘Abortion is Normal: The Emergency Exhibition About Reproductive Rights’, January 13th, 2020 Selvin Claire, ‘With Reproductive Rights Under Siege in America, a New York Group Show Aims To Make a Difference’, Artnews, January 9th, 2020 2019 Cotter Holland, Critic’s Picks “Stonewall: When Resistance Became Too Loud to Ignore”, New York Times, May 30, 2019 BOMB Magazine, ‘End Page’, 148/ Summer 2019 2018 Greenberger Alex, “In Seventh Edition, Spring/Break, Strange as Ever, Responds to World’s Tense Cultural Climate”, Artnews, March 6. Online Lynch Scott, “The Best of Spring/Break, the Outré Art Fair in an Abandoned Times Square Office Building”, Bedford Bowery, March 7. Online Vartanian Hrag, “Spring Break Is an Oasis for Art Fair Haters”, Hyperaller- gic, March 7. Online Lynn Brook Alex, “Eye Candy for the Proletarial: The Spring/Break Art Show”, Daily Beast, March 9. Online 2017 Pautassi, Maria “Elektra KB, Una Busqueda Accidental”, (“Elektra KB, An Accidental Pursuit”) Revista Arcadia, N.144, page 46-47 Sept-Octo 2017. Print/online “Faketopia, Tav Gallery”, Tokyo Art Beat, June. Online 2016 Artfcity “Geographically Indeterminate Fantasies: The Animated GIF as Place”, April 11. Online EkavArtTV “Elektra KB: The Accidental Pursuit of the Stateless ll” (Video Interview) stateless-ii-gaia-gallery Delaney Joseph, “Elektra KB”, Rollacoaster magazine, Issue 17. Print Kap Allara, “Elektra KB: Arts and Culture”, Based Istanbul, February 15. Print/online 2015 Farley Anthony Michael, “On Militant Otherness: Can We Riot Now? XOXO”, Artfcity, September 17. Online Pilger Zoe, “Bright Young Things: 10 Faces to Watch in 2015”, The Independent, January. Print/online 2014 Nathan Emily, “The Stitched, Collaged and Chillingly Violent Female War- riors of “Artist Elektra KB” ARTnews, April 2014 issue, page 112. Print/online Kelleher Kaelie, “Elektra KB Intersects Aesthetics and Politcs”, Wild Magazine, June 30th. Online 2013 Cembalest Robin, “Miami Recap: Is There a Global Art Aesthetic?” ARTnews, web exclusive, Posted 12/11/13. Online Krafcik Hannah, “Interview with Elektra KB”, NYC Art Scene. June 15th. Online Grove Anxel, “Las Mujeres Insurgentes de la Artista Elektra KB”, 20 Minutos. June 3rd. Online Hazard Elizabeth, “Electra (sic) KB at BravinLee programs in New York City”, Kolaj Magazine, issue 13. Print Busta Caroline, “All the Best People”, Artforum, March. 2013 2012 Riechers Angela , “What’s The Stitch”, Visual Arts Journal. Fall issue. Print Nuzzo Jane, “Elektra KB”, Visual Arts Journal. Fall issue. Print PUBLICATIONS *All published by TCT (Transgressive Cíborg Tehknika) 2020 Tit-Bucket and Denim 2018 Hospital Home:My Altered Body 2026 Bodies of Water: Body as a Prison/Prison as a Body