Rachel Libeskind en wildpalms. Strike
Explora temas sociopolíticos relevantes para nuestra sociedad contemporánea, pero al mismo tiempo analiza sus raíces y desarrollos históricos, ya sean, por ejemplo, temas religiosos fundamentales o el papel de la figura femenina dentro de las diferentes estructuras sociales.
Con ojo crítico y valentía, llega al fondo de estos temas y lo expresa de forma muy poética a través de diversos medios artísticos, como el collage, el tapiz, la escultura, los libros y la performance.
CV Nacida en 1989 en Milan, Italia. Vive y trabaja en NY. educación 2007- 2011 B.A. Cum Laude from Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Visual Studies and Comparative Literature) Exposiciones individuales/actuaciones 2021 End of Icons, New Release, New York, NY Exhibiciones grupales 2021 That was then, this is now, signs and symbols, New York, New York Instalaciones/Producciones 2015 THE BODY UNTIED a video installation for Baroque musicians, in honor of Queen Anne of Brittany, premiered at the Lightbox in New York. Residencias/Becas 2021 LABA Berlin Fellowship, LABA: A Laboratory for Jewish Culture hosted by Jewish Center Fraenkelufer Synagogue, Berlin, Germany Libros de la artista 2018 They Only Give You Power If You Give Them Death (self–published performance zine)
2020 You don’t look historical. You Look Hysterical, 14A, Hamburg, DE
2020 Athenian Salt, signs and symbols, NYC
2020 What Happens in the Kitchen (online exhibition), signs and symbols, NYC
2019 Dry Docking, with Jonah Bokaer, as part of The Hudson Eye curated by Aaron Levi Garvey, organized by Jonah Bokaer Arts Foundation, Hudson, NYC
2018 Double Helix, with Jonah Bokaer, Mana Contemporary, Miami, USA
2018 War (&) Etiquette, 14A, Hamburg, DE
2018 They Only Give You Power If You Give Them Death, Fortnight Institute, NYC
2018 The Traveling Bag, Bombay Beach Biennale, Salton Sea, CA, USA
2018 All About My Self, The Department Store Brixton, London, UK
2017 The Day the Father Died, Khorasheh + Grunert, NYC
2017 Stuck in the Shtetl, New Release Gallery, NYC
2016 The Circumcision of Christ and Modern Oblivion, Contini Gallery, London, UK
2016 Holy Trash, My Genizah : commissioned installation by the Center for Jewish History, NYC
2015 Ghost Portrait an installation for Dancer Jonah Bokaer, Site 109 Gallery, NYC
2015 Book Club 9 a performance series during Art Basel 2015
2015 HouseWorld: an interactive theater experience invited and commissioned as the visiting artist for this interactive theater work.
2015 The Traveling Bag: A Performance as a part of Young Artists at the Chelsea Festival, Hotel Chelsea, NYC. Art direction and performance.
2015 The Traveling Bag, Ancient Baggage: A performance with live experimental music, McCarren Park Hotel, Brooklyn, NYC
2015 The Rachel Libeskind Society, Hansel & Gretel/Pocket Utopia, 511 W 22nd street, NYC
2014 The Traveling Bag: A ritual performance, Festival di Spoleto, Italy [curated by Achille Bonito Oliva]
2013 “Rich White Men”, Alludo Room, Rome, Italy (non for profit gallery)
2013 LABOEXPO, Performance and Installation, Foro Buonaparte 60, Milano
2013 “The Wild West”, Hansel & Gretel Picture Garden, 511 W 20th Street, NYC
2012 NACHT/MACHT, Hansel & Gretel Picture Garden, The Water Mill Center, Water Mill, NY, USA
2011 “Rachel Von Libeskind” Hansel & Gretel Picture Garden 511 W 20th Street, NYC
2021 Everything Has Its Place, curated by Dr. Kathy Battista, Sevil Dolmacı Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2021 Praxis of Change, Firetti Contemporary, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2021 artists & allies IV (online), signs and symbols, New York, New York
2021 BID21 Biennale Internazionale Donna, curated by Gabriela von Habsburg, Trieste, Italy
2021 NADA House 2021, New Art Dealers Alliance, Governors Island, New York, New York
2020 artists & allies III, signs and symbols, NYC
2020 CRITICAL ZONES, curated by Bruno Latour, ZKM | Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, DE
2020 The Decameron: Day 8 (online exhibition), New Release Gallery, NYC
2020 The Drowned, curated by Aaron Levi Garvey, Alabama Contemporary Art Center, Mobile, AL, USA
2019 sensation—sensitivity—creativity—productivity—communication, Signs & Symbols, NYC
2018 artist and allies, signs and symbols, NYC
2017 Occupy Mana, Mana Contemporary, Newark, New Jersey
2017 Group Portrait, Unisex Salon, Brooklyn, NYC
2017 Cosmic Collisions, Merz Gallery, Sanquhar, Scotland, UK
2017 Baño de Oro, Chloro Gallery, Mexico City, MX
2017 Besides Colonialism, Jose de La Fuente Gallery, Santander, ES
2016 Minerva Presents, Cuevas Tilleard Gallery, NYC
2016 Books, Wildpalms, Düsseldorf, DE
2016 Summer Reading, Fortnight Institute, NYC
2015 Jewel Box Revue, Hansel & Gretel Picture Garden, NYC
2015 9800 Sepulveda, a transformation of a huge vacant building with a show for 100 people
2015 Judson Church Show, Middle Collegiate Church, NYC
2015 Salon Society, the book edition: salon hosted by curator Fabiola Alondra, Brooklyn, NY
2015 START Fair, Saatchi & Saatchi, London U.K.
2015 “Conceived without Sin”, Radiator Gallery, Long Island CIty, NYC
2015 The Everywhere Exotic, No Longer.Empty, Pier 94, NYC
2015 Salon Society, private salon hosted by Fabiola Alondra, Brooklyn, NY
2015 “Winter Tales”, Alludo Room, Kitzbuhel, Austria
2014 Performed in Alexandra Marzella’s work, “Literally Bye” at the Standard Hotel as a part of Art Basel 2014
2014 Artecho, SunWest Studios, NYC
2014 “Traces: A group Exhibition”, Gowanus (Brooklyn), NY
2014 Enter: National Lithuanian Arts Festival, Vilnius, Lithuania
2014 New Patron Presents: an Exhibition 355 Bowery, NYC
2013 “15 WARREN: a group show downtown” 15 Warren Street, NYC
2013 “The Jewel Box Revue” Hansel & Gretel / Pocket Utopia, 511 W 22nd street, NYC
2013 Decenter Armory: An exhibition on the centenary of the 1913 Armory show (online)
2013 “RE:SANDY” A Benefit Auction 47 Broadway, NYC
2012 SALON ZÜRCHER: Galerie Zürcher, Paris, France
2012 “TWOD” GRASSGRASS 10 Vyner Street, London, UK
2011 “O Pioneers!” Carpenter Center, Harvard University Cambridge, MA’
2015 AMERICAN GOTHIC an original opera presented with a multichannel video installation at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn, NY
2015 CONCEIVED WITHOUT SIN commissioned installation of a nativity scene, with a performance at Radiator Gallery in Long Island City, NY
2015 COWBOY MOUTH setdesign for the inaugural festival at the new Chelsea Hotel, NYC
2015 LA VOIX HUMAINE sitespecific installation for a modernist opera, Bas Fisher Invitational, Miami (Funded by the Knight Foundation)
2013 HEALTHCARE a multimedia installation and theatrical production at Parade Ground at
187 East Broadway, NYC
2021 Erie Arts & Culture x Long Roads Project, Erie, Pennsylvania2015 Nominated for the Rema Hortmann Fellowship grant ( pending award)
2019 Long Road Projects, Jacksonville, Florida
2018 The Watermill Center, Water Mill, New York
2018 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, Kaneohe, Hawaii
2015 Accepted to HEIMA, Seydisfyodor, Iceland ( Yet to be completed )
2015 Accepted to 3331 Chiyoda Residency in Tokyo ( Yet to be completed )
2014 Accepted to Arteles Residency in Finland ( Yet to be completed )
2014 ART STUDENTS LEAGUE Residency, Sparkill, NY
2012 NACHT/MACHT residency at The Watermill Center, Long Island, NY
2017 Kinder Kalender
2017 All the World from A–Z (2017)
2016 Circumcision of Christ and Modern Oblivion (exhibition Catalogue published by Contini Gallery)
2012 The Wild West (exhibition Catalogue published by Hansel & Gretel Picture Garden)
Prensa & Publicaciones 2021 Smith, Roberta, ”On Governors Island, Art Interventions Are Everywhere,“ The New York Times, May 6
2020 ZKM – Center for art and media Karlsruhe: Critical Zones (catalogue)
2020 Artforum: Jeffrey Kastner on Rachel Libeskind “Signs and Symbols“ (Issue September ’20)
2020 Artforum: Critics’ Pick – Rachel Libeskind and Carmen Winant
2020 Musée Magazine: Athenia Salt at Signs and Symbols
2020 arterritory: What artists are doing now. Rachel Libeskind in USA countryside
2020 Frame: Daniel and Rachel Libeskind explore the dimensions of their creativity in conversation
2019 AnOther Magazine: Collages Exploring What Womanhood Means Today
2018 Fortnight Institute: THEY ONLY GIVE YOU POWER IF YOU GIVE THEM DEATH (catalogue)
2018 office Magazine: Look at Rachel Libeskind
2017 Artnet News: Editors’ Picks: 18 Things to See in New York This Week
2017 The Times: Relative Values: The World Trade Center architect Daniel Libeskind and his daughter, Rachel
2016 Artsy: 15 Artists in NY Summer Group Shows Who Deserve Solo Shows
2016 Contini Gallery London: The Circumcision of Christ and Modern Oblivion (catalogue)
2016 METAL Magazine: Rachel Libeskind – A rebel heart
2015 Paper Magazine: Our Mega Guide to all the Fun at Frieze New York
2015 Artnet News: Patti Smith’s Play Is Staged by Art World’s Next Generation at Historic Chelsea Hotel
2015 Observer: 10 Things to Do in New York’s Art World Before June 12
2015 New York Times: Rachel Libeskind: A Performance Artist Blossoms
2015 Forbes: Multi-Media Artist Rachel Libeskind Reveals the Art of Packing in ‘The Traveling Bag’
2013 Artribune: La storia rivista da Rachel Libeskind

para más obras e información póngase en contacto con:

Serie Mujeres históricas
Serie Cruzada de los Niños
Series Holy Trash
Series Dry Docking
Dry Docking es una colaboración en curso con el coreógrafo y bailarín Jonah Bokaer, encargada por MANA Contemporary. Hudson Eye, Nueva York, 2019
Series They Only Give You Power (If You Give Them Death)
Fortnight Institute, New York City, 2018
Series The Day the Father Died
New York, 2017
Series Holy Trash
Centro para la historia judía, New York, 2016