MARIO ASEF building the pyramid of Raddusch

MARIO ASEF building the pyramid of Raddusch

– Combining science and art to create new forms of sustainability –


Since summer 2015, Mario Asef has been working in cooperation with

science students and professors from the TU Cottbus – the technological university –

on a project that focusses on the process of (re-)usage and transformation of the local

landscape within the realm of the Aquamediale 11 (Spreewald 15).



Mario Asef working alongside professors of the TU Cottbus.

Mario has been working on reusing the mudd of the Spree, which is colored

in deep brown in variing tones due to the high occurrence of iron oxide derived

from former mining in that area. His mission is to reuse and transform waste material

that has been hazardous to the environment and animals living in the river

into a useful building material. Expanding the possibilities of environmental

